Senayan City and UOB Indonesia Provide Free COVID-19 Booster Vaccinations

According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health  more than 180 million Indonesians have received the first dose of the vaccine, while more than 123 million of them have completed the second dose.

However, there has been an increase in positive cases of COVID-19 in since the start of 2022. Daily positive cases in the country have exceeded 2,000 cases including in DKI Jakarta. Hence it is an immediate priority for booster vaccination to be made available across various vaccination centers to protect the public from the serious impact of COVID-19.

Working with Husada Hospital, Senayan City and UOB Indonesia will jointly distribute the vaccine boosters to the general public based on the following criteria: 

  1. Indonesian citizens and foreigners aged 18 years and above, and who previously received the Sinovac vaccine for their first two doses.
  2. The second dose should be completed at least six months prior. 
  3. Pregnant and lactating mothers can receive the vaccine booster.

Those who wish to receive the vaccine booster should bring an identification card and obtain an e-Ticket for booster vaccination from the PeduliLindung application.

To facilitate the implementation of the vaccine boosters, the public must register in advance via the e-form: They will then receive a confirmation email, including the selected date and time for their vaccination, from Senayan City. Walk-in requests for vaccine boosters will not be allowed.

Please continue to support and take part in the DKI Jakarta Government programme. #sukseskanvaksinasi #jakartanggapcorona #bersamakitabisa #jakartabangkit

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