- Enhance the spirit of endxiety, the #pelarian movement extended to a full week inviting young people to stay away from anxiety and stress by running
- Through social media posts, number of public figures showed supports for #pelarian Including Winky Wiryawan, Kenes Andari, Tamara Bleszynski, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Reuben Elishama, Imam Darto, Shelomita, Sonny Dien And Paul Palele
Running in small groups and carrying out with strict health protocol, hundreds of running and caring for mental health community activists in a number of cities in Indonesia participated in enlivening the #pelarian event, an open campaign and movement that seeks to build awareness together while echoing the spirit of End the Anxiety, namely an effort to distance oneself from anxiety, stress and various other mental health issues through an easy moving activity; running.
A creative marketing start-up from Jakarta, Creative Tribe with mental health service provider HatiPlong and other collaborators such as Dash Sports, SANA, Voltandfast, Syndicate TV, Runhood and Vox Populi Publicists initiated the #pelarian movement which was held for the first time on Sunday morning, 13 February 2022 until the next week. The #pelarian event invites everyone to run without specific rules while wearing a white t-shirt as a sign of participating in the campaign and as a form of appreciation and care for oneself and others.
Creative Tribe’s Business Director, Nadian Almatsier said, “It’s great that the #escape was quite successful, considering the increasing number of cases of the Omicron variant. We ran in small groups and proceeded strictly. Run as hard as you can, as far as you want and share the same goal! Creative Tribe and collaborators want #pelarian to be able to trigger a positive impact on as many people as possible, inspire the spirit we’re in this together, with positivity and real ways that are simple and fun.”

Nadian further explained that the habit of running has now become part of the modern culture that is close to the daily lives of young people. And most importantly, this #pelarian event does not only take place in a day’s moment, we will continue to echo it and carry it out for the next 7 days. So put on your white t-shirt, run and post on each other’s social media by adding #pelarian and tagging friends and us as collaborators.
Meanwhile, CEO and initiator of HatiPlong as well as movement collaborator, Farah Djalal said, “#pelarian was really fun, everyone was excited to join in, it was lively and it felt different from running on a normal day. The enthusiasm is more pronounced because everyone agrees to build awareness or awareness of mental health issues. The spirit is different. Exciting!”
Farah added that she hopes that this movement will not stop here, because it is considered efficient of having an impact in increasing public mental health awareness. A special message for those who experience anxiety or have a feeling of being stuck in them, don’t stop trying to be healthier. Because to be healthy doesn’t mean only physical but also mentally, both are all interconnected. So, do everything that can make you physically and mentally healthy. If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to seek it. HatiPlong is always ready to help anytime.
Creative Tribe’s Strategic Planner, Iman Sadeqh explained, “It can be seen from the record of social media uploads, the participants involved in #pelarian reached more than 500 participants who ran not only in Jakarta but also in various other cities such as Bandung, Yogyakarta, Kediri, Surabaya, Bali, Palu, Bau-Bau, Toraja and Mimika in Papua. Even a number of people who took part in #pelarian abroad also reported their involvement in this movement, such as from the city of San Diego and Washington DC in the United States, Singapore and the city of Auckland in New Zealand and Malaysia.