The high enthusiasm of the community can also be seen from the large number of views of the Awareness #pelarian video which reached 25,000 as well as the tag and mention traffic of #pelarian promotional materials which reached thousands on social media Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok. Public figures supporting the #pelarian on record include Winky Wiryawan, Kenes Andari, Tamara Bleszynski, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Reuben Elishama, Imam Darto, Shelomita, Sonny Dien and Paul Palele.

On the occasion of post-escape event in different cities, Winky Wiryawan, Kenes Andari and Tamara Bleszynski conveyed their impressions after running to raise awareness of mental health issues for young people. Winky, Kenes and Tamara similarly said that they felt this time running was so different because they were empathetic and motivated by a good cause.
Even by doing simple moving activities, namely running, they believe they can keep themselves away from the dangers of mental health issues that during this pandemic are so easy to attack anyone. They also hope that this #pelarian event doesn’t just stop at this moment, but can continue until everyone can get involved and get the good impact.