BTN Dash Aquatic Challenge 

On the same occasion, Executive Committee of the National Olympic Committee, Arlan Lukman said, “This Dash Aquatic Challenge event can be used as “talent scouting” in the sense of providing events for athletes to increase competition flying hours, bearing in mind that Indonesia needs more quality events. Sports community events that can further develop a positive impact on the sports industry. I am very “passionate” to see our active involvement in various community sporting events.”

“Because this community and societal involvements are the essence and foundation of the sports industry. We must continue to spread the spirit of “Sports for All“, before we can talk further about sports achievements. For me, the Dash Aquatic Challenge is a concrete initiative from Dash Sports to spread the spirit of Sport for All and spread the seeds of Olympics for society, communities and families.”

Dash Aquatic Challenge participant and sports activist, Tabitha Sumendap, nicknamed Tabie, expressed her full support for this water sports competition event. “I joined BTNDAC in preparation for the triathlon comeback. In my opinion, this event is very positive and good as a form of family quality time to practice and compete together. The impact of this healthy lifestyle is also very good, of course physically, mentally and emotionally.”

“So far, I’ve been taking Dash Sports classes and getting recommendations from friends that Dash Sports often holds good sports events. I really support a positive event like this!” concluded Tabby excitedly.

The BTN Dash Aquatic Challenge event is fully supported by Bank Tabungan Negara, IFG Life and Herbalife Nutrition.

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