In 2015 the gallery embarked on new paths, opening a space in La Habana, Cuba, devoted to cultural projects designed to overcome every frontier. In the course of almost thirty years Continua has created a strong identity which remains faithful to a spirit of perpetual evolution and committed to developing the public’s interest in contemporary art.
That identity is grounded in two values – generosity and altruism – which lie at the heart of all its dealings with artists, the general public and its development as a whole. Galleria Continua is all about a desire for continuity between ages, the aspiration to have a part in writing the history of the present, and between different and unusual individuals and geographies.
In 2020, the gallery’s thirtieth year, it inaugurated a new space in Rome and one in São Paulo, followed in 2021 by the opening of a new venue in the fashionable Marais district in Paris. Also in 2021, the gallery opened a new space in Dubai at the Burj al-Arab, the iconic sail-shaped building located off Jumeirah beach.