Indonesian Cigars: A Hidden Gem from Jember

Currently, BIN Cigar boasts 24 trademarks and exports to 15 countries. Additionally, BIN Cigar is renowned for its ability to modify flavors and replicate the taste of Cuban cigars.

“We have adopted and implemented the observe, imitate, and modify method. Almost every cigar produced by Cuba can be replicated by us, both in aroma and flavor. We excel at modifying and replicating Cuban cigar flavors,” Febri asserts.

The Cuban Connection

To achieve the taste and aroma of Cuban cigars, BIN Cigar has established a legal agreement with Cuba. “We are anti-fake; we were taught by Cubans how to achieve this. The agreement with Cuba is solely to replicate taste, not shape or brand,” Febri reveals.

It’s no surprise that BIN Cigar has become a significant player in the global cigar industry, ranking second only to Cuba. For cigar enthusiasts, if they cannot find the aroma and taste of Cohiba and Montecristo from Cuba, they will likely turn to BIN Cigar.

The pleasant aroma of tobacco aligns well with its lucrative business. In addition to dominating the international cigar market from Indonesia, BIN Cigar ranks second as a major tobacco player, following Djarum. It is also the only cigar producer that works based on orders, with products being 100% handmade.

Jember’s ascent in the cigar industry is a testament to the dedication and skill involved in producing these high-quality products. With a blend of Indonesian tradition and Cuban expertise, Jember cigars have carved out a niche in the world market, offering connoisseurs an alternative that rivals the best Cuban offerings. (Burhan Abe)

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