Celebrate Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month Creative Tribe and Partners Bring Back #runawayweekenders

Open Campaign and Movement in Collaboration with Baraka Artists and the Running, Skate, and Bicycle Community Raising Collective Awareness for Mental Health Issues, Presenting a Safe Space for Consultations, Discussions, and Sharing with Psychologists, Various Positive Activities and Musical Performances

Exactly a year after the last event, #pelarian, an open campaign, and collective movement part of the modern-day culture that targets young people of the millennial generation and gen-Z to encourage care and raise collective awareness of mental health issues, was held again to take special moments; Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month and collaborating with young muralist Baraka and some popular sports communities throughout Jabodetabek.

First initiated in February 2022, #pelarian achieved great enthusiasm and a very positive response from young Indonesians. The initiator, Creative Tribe, a start-up company in the field of creative marketing together with movement partners, including HatiPlong, RAD 1440, and Vox Populi Publicists is continuing the #pelarianweekenders campaign to continue voicing the importance of awareness of mental health, this time highlighting the mental health of men. June is a month when various communities worldwide celebrate and raise collective awareness of men’s mental health.

Strategic Planner Creative Tribe, Iman Sadeqh or Odeq said, “Commemorating the Men’s Mental Health Awareness month moment, we from #pelaran want to invite all our friends and relatives wherever they are, especially male friends out there, that it’s ok to be not ok. Being aware of the weak spots in ourselves, admitting them, and taking action to fix them quickly, is much better than having to always appear strong and tough. Through this campaign, we want always to remind each other of this perspective. This time #pelarian is supported and collaborates with BARAKA, a young artist who also started his career in creating art as a form of “escape” from the mental health issues and anxiety he was facing. We also have support from the Disco Run running community, the NYX Skate Society roller skate community, and the PSYCHLOOP cycling community. Also no less important, in this Chit Chat Escape event, we are also supported by psychologists from HatiPlong.

The #pelarianweekenders event invites everyone to take part in #pelarianmove, running casually without any particular rules while wearing a white t-shirt as a sign of participating in this campaign and as a form of appreciation and care for yourself and others. After running together, #pelarianchitchat was also held, namely a relaxed discussion and chat with psychologist HatiPlong and there was also #pelariantime and music from Simon, Odeq, YSVN (We are neurotic), Konz, BRKNDR, Adit Kadi and Demmy.

Meanwhile, HatiPlong psychologist, Dicky Sugianto, said that the important thing about men’s mental health is that men tend to seek help when they are overwhelmed by their problems or have reached a dead end. This makes men more vulnerable to experiencing psychological problems/disorders at a more serious level. Therefore, campaigns to increase men’s awareness of mental health and seeking professional help still need to be encouraged.

“The mental health problems that men often face are usually problems with persistent emotional states, relationship problems with other people, or problems with non-adaptive substances/behaviors. These problems are usually the tip of the iceberg. In principle, men are also humans, they have feelings, and they are allowed to process their feelings. Because when you process your feelings, reach out for a helping hand, and build hope, it is a form of courage and strength. “United we stand, divided we fall, building men’s mental health also requires the cooperation of various parties,” said Dicky further.

Artist and collaboration partner, Jodiandra Baraka conveyed an important message to male friends during Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, namely love yourself before you love others. This could be the key to maintaining mental health.

Furthermore, Baraka explained that it is a useful and positive thing to keep ourselves busy in facing a pandemic or life changes, especially when a pandemic limits us from carrying out activities, even leaving the house. “So it is important for us to be aware of our mental health and look for the right #escape or coping strategy. “Perhaps for me, my coping strategy is to create art through fine arts,” added Baraka.

Apart from celebrating Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, this #escape event is the opening moment of the BARAKA Mini Showcase, which this time has the theme Transcend #BARAKAGOBEYOND. The showcase will be held from 29 June to 28 July 2024 at BIRU Jakarta which is located on Jl. Prof. Joko Sutono SH no.21, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, displays more than 20 works during 2021 – 2024, in the form of canvas and art paper works which represent BARAKA’s journey in finding his identity.

“@BARAKAGOBEYOND what I mean here is beyond limits. “To achieve full awareness we have to go beyond the limits of our abilities. What is meant by limits here can be memories of the past or the hurt & pain we have, so that we can turn it all into a lesson and a positive thing,” concluded Baraka.

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