Parley for the Oceans & Belmond Announce New Partnership Showcasing Their Commitment to Ocean & Biodiversity Protection

Empowering Our Eco-System 

“Every project and partnership we explore at Parley begins with a mutual love for the oceans and a desire to foster closer connections to the natural world,” states Cyrill Gutsch, Founder of Parley for the Oceans.

“Our alliance with Belmond is not about ‘eco-tourism,’ it’s about redefining luxury travel that is rooted in purpose and the sense of connection to place that is already central to the Belmond ethos, to support and empower local Ocean Guardians.”

“Maroma will become an epicenter and facilitator for change. It goes far beyond removing plastics from the hotel, this is about recognizing that each hotel isn’t isolated but rather an influential part of an interconnected community and ecosystem.” 

“Our “Think Global, Act Local” approach values each property’s first-hand knowledge and recognises the specificities of every context, and with this approach in mind, we are very excited to begin our collaboration with Parley at Maroma,” says Dan Ruff, Belmond CEO.

“The Ocean Guardians program will empower our teams, guests, and the local community to help conserve this precious ecosystem. The partnership will amplify the role of Maroma as custodians of the coastline, writing a new chapter in the hotel’s ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship.”

“And guests can be confident that by staying with Belmond they’ll not only enjoy a deep connection with the place and culture, but also protect and shape the heritage of tomorrow.” 

Maroma’s Dedication to Sustainability 

Meticulously renovated and relaunched in August 2023, Maroma has brought its passion for preserving the environment to the next level, including partnering with Fundación Selva Maya and building an on-site Melipona bee sanctuary to further expand resident hives and host educational workshops that raise awareness of this key species; sourcing 90% of Casa Mayor restaurant’s ingredients from Mexico and almost half from the Yucatán peninsula; and creating an onsite nursery that produces over two thousand endemic plants, some of which are in danger of extinction.

Maroma is also an important nesting and breeding area for Olive Throated Parakeets and White-Fronted Parrots, both of which are endangered species, and as such help to conserve these endemic bird species in danger of extinction, identifying and protecting nests and hatchlings found on site and providing better environments for their reproduction.

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