Yayasan Batik Indonesia Marks National Batik Day with “Bangga Berbatik” Celebration

All activities and events of HBN24 are organized in collaboration with the Public Relations Bureau and the Directorate General of Small, Medium, and Various Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry. 

About Yayasan Batik Indonesia 

Yayasan Batik Indonesia (YBI) was founded on October 28, 1994, initiated by Jultin Ginandjar Kartasasmita, Ir. Firdaus Ali, and Dr. Dipo Alam MEM. Yayasan Batik Indonesia (YBI) is dedicated to protecting, preserving, developing, and promoting national batik as Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

For more than two decades, YBI has played an active role in advancing the batik craft industry with a focus on increasing its economic value, which ultimately promotes income equality and growth for small and traditional batik artisans and entrepreneurs. YBI’s membership in the NGO – ICH of UNESCO is a testament to its efforts in preserving, developing, and promoting Indonesia’s cultural wealth in batik. 

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