Participants Praise Rhino Cross Triathlon 2018 Organizers, Pledge to Return Next Year
THE national athlete Muhammad Taufik of Arthayasa team was the first to reach the finish line at Rhino Cross Triathlon 2018 in Male Open category with a time of two hours, 53 minutes and 10 seconds, at Tanjung Lesung, 30 September 2018. He was followed by Ady Akhmad Jukardi of OR Endurance team with two hours, 57 minutes and 52 seconds and Maarten Vrouenraets of Youvit team with a time of two hours, 59 minutes and 57 seconds. Muhammad Taufik also won the race in last year’s Rhino Cross Triathlon.

The winner of RXT 2018, Muhammad Taufik said, “I’m extremely satisfied with what I accomplished today. The Eaglecategory, I think, is very challenging. It’s tough and that’s just what I like, especially the bicycle track. I was quite vacuum in the last year in triathlon and had only two weeks to prepare. Also, I commend the committee for doing an outstanding job. I’m glad I can defend the title as the winner in this event.”
Meanwhile, Chaidil Akbar, the second finisher in the Rhino X-Tri 2018 Bull Male Open category, who is also President of Triathlon Buddies community, said, “The organization of this event is very good. I like the tracks; they are challenging and unique, better than I expected. I think it is not extremely demanding for beginners. Next year, I can assure you I’ll be taking part again. There’s a reason to come to Tanjung Lesung!” Chaidil Akbar has participated in close to 60 triathlon events since 2011, while this is his participation in Rhino X-Tri.

The winner of the Rhino X-Tri 2018 Bull Female Open category, who is also the vocalist of the band Soul ID, Juanita Dewiana said, “I am really enjoying the panorama in Tanjung Lesung, as well as swimming in the clear water which is not too salty. I love the bicycle track with those ascents and inclines. I will surely recommend to my triathlon-loving friends to take part in this Indonesia’s first cross triathlon next year.”

Kelly Tandiono, the third finisher in Bull Female Open category, who is also a supermodel and a triathlete, said, “This is a fun experience. I didn’t expect, that with only limited preparation, I could finish the third. I even fell off my bike three or four times as this is the first I participated in a cross-triathlon, especially taking part in a mountain bike race.”
In the Rhino Male Open category, the triathlete Hari Rohman of Kopaska came out the winner with a time of one hour, 55 minutes and 20 seconds. The second place went to Febram Yulkhairil of Imperialcycle team (1:57:25) and the third finisher was Simon Tailpied (2:7:17).
In the Rhino Women Open category, Wahyu Riyanti of Wiradhika team took the first podium with a time of one hour, 56 minutes and 32 seconds. In the second position was Lieselotte Heederik (2:39:42), while the third finisher was Tri Yulianti Savitri of Brave Triathlon (2:52:21).
In the Bull Men Open category, the triathlete Sulistiono won with a time of one hour, three minutes and 12 seconds. In the second position was Chaidir Akbar of Triathlon Buddies with a time of one hour, four minutes and 30 seconds, while the third podium went to Muhammad Jafar Fajrianto of Banten Swimming Club with time one hour, 11 minutes and 56 seconds.
Meanwhile, in the Bull class of Women Open category, Juanita Dewiana took the first podium with a time of one hour, 25 minutes and 19 seconds. In the second position was Crys Monaly with a time of one hour, 26 minutes and 27 seconds, while the third place went to Kelly Tandiono of Tribuds with a time of one hour, 27 minutes and 38 seconds. (Photos: VOX VIX)

Male Open
- Muhammad Taufik (506) – Arthayasateam– 02:53:10
- Ady Akhmad Jukardi (507) – Or Endurance– 02:57:52
- Maarten Vrouenraets (505) – Youvit– 02:59:57
- Hideo Minowa (508) – Team Bintang– 04:02:26
- Harold Sacaru (509)– 04:09:20
Male Master
- Oky Rohmat (428) – Green Road– 02:57:17
- Jules Crawshaw (500)– 03:13:52
- Moeljoto Soetikno Siek (504)– 03:53:07
- Mushardi Rafiq (503) – G10t– 04:25:20
- Jose Kharosta (501) – G10t Triatlet– 04:57:36
Male Open
- Hari Rohman (420) – Kopaska– 01:55:20
- Febram Yulkhairil (418) – Imperialcycle– 01:57:25
- Simon Tailpied (425)– 02:07:17
- Wouter Van Der Kolk (419) – Youvit– 02:10:49
- Antoine Dagorne (423) – Bhhh+- 02:13:59
Male Master
- Karnadi (401) – Jakarta Triathlon Club– 02:12:33
- Bjorn Dudok Van Heel (426)– 02:12:52
- Christian Laugen (424) –Cyclocross Indonesia– 02:13:23
- Jasper Bouman (402) – Stinky Runners– 02:26:32
- Carlos Monterde (403)– 02:31:21
Female Open
- Wahyu Riyanti (427) – Wiradhika– 01:56:32
- Lieselotte Heederik (414)– 02:39:42
- Tri Yuliati Savitri (412) – Braves Triathlon– 02:52:21

Male Open
- Sulistiono (228)– 01:03:12
- Chaidir Akbar (318) –Triathlon Buddies– 01:04:30
- Muhammad Jafar Fajrianto Fajrianto (320) – Banten Swimming Club– 01:11:56
- Rafif Syafei (323) – 01:16:37
- Nur Farhan Hamid (322) – Cihuy Runners– 01:27:10
Male Master
- Antonio Chandra (304) – Jakarta Triathlon Club– 01:04:13
- Michael James Mcwhirter (229)– 01:05:31
- Arief Lubis (312) – Cikeas Wala Wala– 01:09:36
- Lie Senjaya Honggo Linando (314) – Fakerunners– 01:16:16
- Arif Prijadi (311)– 01:17:01

Female Open
- Yuanita Dewiana (429)– 01:25:19
- Crys Mcnally (309)– 01:26:27
- Kelly Tandiono (324) – Tribuds– 01:27:38
- Natalia Djuantoro (327) – Srimulat Runners Indonesia– 01:40:15
- Fatimah Az Zahra (325)– 01:42:53
Mixed Open
- Ugi Sugiarto Abi, Mellisa (202) – Braves – 02:33:22
- Tommy Hendro Pratomo Dedu, Dhasa (203) – Wanadri – 02:37:27
- Roy Napitupulu Nurgantina, Adi (204) – 02:36:21
- Ada Andri, Resha (207) – 02:41:04
- Anton Nugroho Doris, Karen (200) – Hino Running Club – 02:42:47
- Sam Halim Reza, Sarwo (201) – Blue Fish Team – 02:49:04
- Julita Fitri, Santih (205) – 03:37:32