Marriott & Solar Chapter Bring Sustainable Water Solutions to Tasinifu Village, East Nusa Tenggara 

Marriott International and Solar Chapter proudly announce the successful completion of the “Water for Tasinifu”, a life changing project that brings sustainable water access to the remote Tasinifu Village in the Mutis District of East Nusa Tenggara. 

Building on the momentum of last year’s successful project in Tafuli Village, “Water for Tasinifu” is the second joint effort between Marriott International and Solar Chapter. This project, which aligns with Marriott International’s 2025 Sustainability and Development Goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, addresses the critical water needs of 1,015 residents of Tasinifu Village by installing a solar-powered pump system to transport water from a nearby river to the village. 

For generations, the people of Tasinifu have long struggled with a lack of access to clean water, requiring residents to endure 3 to 4-hour journeys daily to collect water. This challenge has significantly hindered agricultural productivity, education, and overall quality of life in the community. With the completion of the “Water for Tasinifu” project, a transformation toward improved community well-being is on the horizon. 

The water source for this project is a year-round river located 1.7 kilometers downhill from the village. Water from the river is collected in a lower reservoir and transported 176 meters uphill to an upper reservoir using a submersible pump powered by 19 solar panels. From there, the water is distributed through gravity-fed pipes to the village’s residential areas. With a capacity of 52,000 liters, the system is designed to sustainably support the community’s daily water needs. 

In a fitting tribute to this important moment, representatives of Marriott Business Council Indonesia and Solar Chapter embarked to Tasinifu Village to join the community to witness the installation and system launch. 

On 17 August 2024, coinciding with Indonesia’s Independence Day, the community of Tasinifu witnessed a historic moment as water flowed into their village for the first time, marking a new chapter of independence for the people of Tasinifu, who now have access to the water they have long awaited. 

“Marriott International is deeply committed to making a positive impact on the communities where we operate,” said Martin Ehlers, General Manager of Renaissance Bali Uluwatu Resort & Spa and Chairman of Marriott Business Council Indonesia. 

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